Sunday, December 18, 2016


Since we didn't put up a Christmas tree this year, our hall tree is standing in as gift sentry. heh

This is a post on gifts. (I know, the title. Duh.) Not an exhaustive post, mind you; I just want to share some high points so far. The first is one I gave to Brian's violin teacher. I often take photos of their cats, and their dogs when they're out, while we are at his house for weekly lessons. Gertrude, their beloved oldest cat, passed away this fall, so I had Shutterfly make this enameled metal ornament from one of my photos and gave it to them early in their card. The next week teacher and wife thanked me effusively, and pointed it out hanging above Gertrude's favorite napping spot.

My dear friend Debbie gave me a belated birthday present when we attended our dressage chapter Christmas party:
She has given me a dated bulldog ornament for eight or nine years running; I adore them all! Someday I'll find a stand of some sort to display them all together, maybe year-round. "Teacup Bullie" is a lonely-only-ornament this year....

Do you see that lovely texture under the ornament? Some time ago I sent blogpal Theresa the remainder of the yarn I'd spun for my homeschool textiles class from a longwool sheep. It was too coarse to use in knitted garments, so I thought she could weave something with it. Never did I expect she would weave something for ME with it – especially one of her exquisite birch bark runners!
That's not all, either. Apparently to balance the understated natural palette of the runner, she gifted me this wild FatCatKnits fiber to spin:

Doesn't that look like the perfect antidote to winter? I can hardly wait to get it on my miniSpinner!
The runner coordinates perfectly with a beautiful collectors' plate I got at that dressage chapter Christmas party. One of our members inherited a bunch of plates from this (Diana Casey) and another artist – then brought them to the party for us each to choose one as a sort of door prize! Generosity upon undeserved generosity; it is truly humbling, and inspires me to be more generous myself.

Isn't that the Spirit of the very first Christmas?

SO grateful at . . .


  1. Enjoy Michelle, You so deserve it. That long wool is quite energized. You might get those hemmed ends to behave with some steaming and light starch while damp, or not. Enjoy the Fat Cats fiber, can't wait to see what creation comes together with that batt!

    Have a wonderful holiday. Safe travels!

  2. Very special! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. I think so, Mama Pea – just like those beautiful potholders of yours!

    I'm sure I DON'T deserve it, Theresa, which makes me even more grateful!

    Thanks, LannieK; back atcha!

  4. The runner is beautiful. As are the rest of the gifts. No tree this year? I seem to remember a tree accident at your house? Was that last year or the year before? I tried to talk hubby and youngest into a small tree this year and was voted down. It's so hard to transition to living simply with some minimalism thrown in when the rest of the family thinks your losing your mind.
    Merry Christmas... one of my so-called "resolutions" is to finally meet you this year.

  5. No, no tree this year. We are gone until Christmas night, so Brian and I didn't see the point, and Rick acquiesced. And yes, we have had major accidents (fully decorated 15' trees crashing to the hardwood floor) TWO years, which has dampened my enthusiasm considerably. Love your resolution, and second it!


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