Saturday, November 19, 2016

More like accessories than clothing

Most of our deciduous trees have "deciduated," but a few still shoulder leaves like scarves or shawls.
Then there are the singular show-offs, like this apple tree in our pasture still flaunting summer-green leaves and ruby fruit,

and a couple of the Japanese maples at the front of our house dressed like Jacob in his coat of many colors.

I think I'll go knit a few rows on my shawl of many colors!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Thanks to our drought, all the trees here seem to be all mixed up. Some still have green leaves, some no leaves, and everywhere in between. And a lot of the leaves that are still around are brown rather than their normal colors.

  2. It seems like we're having a more vivid autumn than we've had in a while. I wonder if the spring & summer dryness are responsible.


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