Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Silver linings, seized moments

Instead of desperately wishing I was spending these last precious dry days weeding (yikes!), picking (no chance in the last two weeks to even see what's out there), and planting (garlic from my neighbor) in my garden and getting in some rides on my horse, I will be thankful for time to catch up on blogging and make progress on my gift-knitting. And while driving to work at Rick's clinic this morning, I did something I often think about but rarely do – stop and capture the beauty that floods the senses this time of year:

Yesterday morning's sunrise was pretty special, too:

The weather was certainly nice for Brian's soccer game last night:
Next week's games – his last – will no doubt be played in the rain. Then it's on to basketball!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. This is my favorite time of the year. You have a different beauty than we do but it's gorgeous here too. I'm sorry I didn't stop to take pictures and I'm glad you did :)

  2. Happy to share the beauty, Mary Ann!

    Mine, too, Sharon; mine, too.


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