Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fall(ing) fast

Isn't autumn intoxicating?
I've been making a point to stop and take more photos of this fleeting season. Some of them are only on Instagram (there's a handy little blue link to all my Instagram photos right there, at right!), like this morning's mushroom shot and this afternoon's drive-by beauty in Salem.

Deciduous trees are at various stages of leaf drop. Some area trees are already bare, while others – like our pink-flowering cherry – are still green (except for this one little cluster of color):

My big Japanese maple is glowing, while the flowering plum behind it is still dressed in summer's dark garb:

The potted thread-leaf Japanese maple is dominating the display on our deck:

But the hummers have eyes only for the feeder on our dirty French door.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. A beautiful fall you are having! Thanks for sharing it! How late do the hummingbirds stay in your area?

  2. It's so nice to see your hummer - ours left a month ago. They are my favorite bird. Your Japanese maples are beautiful!

  3. LannieK and Susan, we have hummers that overwinter here, so we get to enjoy them year-round. Lucky us!

  4. Definitely lucky - our hummers are long gone too! Your scenery is different from ours, but equally beautiful!


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