Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The pause that refreshes

Bless Rick's heart for offering to drive to Salem to pick up Brian this evening; it gave me the first wiggle room I've had in my schedule for waaay too long. I used it to take a NAP (gasp!), which sure did make me feel better – if a little disoriented – afterward. Not only have things have been go-go-go from early morning until (much too) late at night, but Brian came home from his backpacking trip with a cold, and now I have it, too. Better than my co-worker who I've been covering for for a week and a half; she came back from her trip with the flu, so I worked today as well.

The renaissance fair last Sunday was fun while it lasted; my MIL and I both needed to get home to get things done in the afternoon so we left before seeing everything. Besides memories, photographs, and lunch, my MIL and I both picked up a few small gifts, my friend Debbie bought and wore a flower crown, and I picked up some lovely combed mohair locks ($2 for 100g) to spin and knit a souvenir (maybe plied with something else).

Not too far from the renaissance fair was this beautiful old covered bridge. We stopped on our way home to read its history and take some photos.

Browning has not continued to improve. He's gotten more B complex and Nuflor, and tonight Rick  checked his heart and lungs (good), drew blood and took fecal samples. We could be dealing with worm issues, since this has not been an exemplary year for sheep husbandry because weed seeds and dry weather have severely limited pasture time.

Here's hoping I feel well enough tomorrow to enjoy what's planned – the beach ride with a friend I've waited for all summer!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Along with the general busy-ness sounds as though you're packing in extras on top of that. Glad you could make it for your outing with friend and MIL (those occasions are necessary especially when we have too much to do!) and that you managed to squeeze in that much-needed nap.

    A couple of weeks ago, I caught a "summer" cold, too, which I didn't need. But at least it wasn't the flu!

    Keeping fingers crossed for Browning's recovery.

  2. That looks like so much fun! I'm glad you got to go - even for a quick trip. I hope Browning gets better. I am going through some trying times here, too, with parasites (due to the ultra-dry weather). If he is looking anemic, you could try what I did for Juno - a twice-a-day drench (20ml) of equal parts corn oil, corn syrup and molasses. It has made her much perkier. Hope YOU feel better soon.

  3. Those pictures from the Ren Fair are fabulous - you got some great shots and really captured the spirit of the event. I would have loved to be there! Really hoping that Browning will turn a corner soon.


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