Friday, August 05, 2016

Fresh on Friday

This morning I decided to pull all the onions, as the tops were drying up and laying on the ground. None of them are very big, but they'll be tasty and provide for our onion needs for awhile. The only other thing in that row was a single, solitary little carrot, so I pulled that, too – and then I et it. ;-)
I also harvested the first two cukes and zucchini, which are destined – along with snap peas yet to be picked and some of those onions – for a big pasta salad I'm going to make for tomorrow's church potluck.

I think I'm going to pull all the turnips and feed them to the sheep; I'm "turnipped out." I have plenty of kale as well as some beets for greens (and like those better), and pulling the turnips will give me more room for my first ever fall garden – woot! A neighbor has promised me garlic, I have more carrot seeds, and I'm going to look for Chioggia beet seeds. Wish me luck; I couldn't find any last spring.

That's it for Fresh on Friday from . . .


  1. Garden produce lookin' good! So does that pasta salad you're going to make.

    This is the time of year I'd love to have a full-time cook in the kitchen to prepare fantastic dishes with all of the wonderful produce available from the garden. So good!

  2. How are your zucchinis doing? We have to have ours in big tubs, and they're languishing. In the ground, I used to be overrun with know, leave a zucchini on your neighbors' doorsteps at midnight? Not any more.. Very discouraging.

    Your stuff looks fabulous!!

  3. I thought the salad turned out well, Mama Pea – which is a good thing, because I came home with half of it!

    Mokihana, that was the first zucchini I've harvested, but there are lots more little ones on the way so I'm hopeful. My yellow straightneck, on the other hand, isn't doing well. Each little squash it's produced so far has withered away.


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