Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Every body's gotta eat

If you follow me on Instagram, then you saw this morning's harvest. Some of that ended up in tonight's supper:
Long, skinny noodles; long, skinny snake. Almost stepped on this little fellow near the hen house this morning. Wonder if he ate or got eaten today....
This butterfly was dining on nectar:
This butterfly was nectar-filled dinner (you might need to click to biggify):

Ketchup & Mustard, anyone? That's what this rose is called!

Eating good in the neighborhood of . . .


  1. Looks good! What a beautiful rose!!

  2. The color of that rose! Oh, my . . . it needs a more elegant name though! :o]

  3. And it looks like most everybody is eating well. Tell me, is that lovely rose well scented?
    Some of the fancier roses these days have very little rose smell.

  4. I have two roses in pots on my deck, gifts from my mom. Both have less than lovely names – the other one is "Dragon's Blood," I believe. The bushes look tough, but they keep blooming occasionally anyway. And no, Theresa, they don't smell much!


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