Friday, July 08, 2016

Off to start the water again

I've been working on watering our vegetable garden since Monday morning. We have one functioning soaker hose and it's not very long, so it takes time. (I like the targeted watering of soaker hoses vs. sprinklers – happier vegetables and fewer weeds). I took a break yesterday when the weather turned cooler and it rained a little (hurray!), but today's wet forecast is a bust; guess I'd better set the soaker hose again. Here are most of row crops as of this morning:
Tomatoes are blossoming and setting fruit; one of my two eggplant is blooming; peppers; bush beans, onions, kale, beets, and cucumbers are all looking good; summer squash is getting ready to bloom; sweet basil is ready for a first harvest and the turnips should be thinned (with greens utilized). We've picked and eaten our first mess of snap peas – we're going to have a LOT of those.

While I was watering and weeding Wednesday, Dozer was enjoying the grass and shade.
(My buddy had to photobomb; Jackson is so jealous of my attention.)

I took a little time to enjoy the beauty around the yard,
and survey the fruit trees:

To keep from getting too agitated by last night's news, I watched while walking (on the treadmill, slowly) and spinning. This ol' world is going downhill fast; no surprise there since the Bible said it would be so.

Hanging on by faith at . . .


  1. That Dozer is one handsome bull dog.

    Yes the world does seem to be going downhill rapidly. I may be sticking my head in the sand, but I turn the news off. And if the news spills into other time slots ... I put on Netflix or read a book or go love a dog. My personal life right now is too stressful to add the world's stress to my consciousness.

  2. Your garden soil looks very good . . . as do the crops! Your pictures all speak of much potential harvest and beauty.

  3. Jackson is what - in my family - we would call a Jealous Welous ;-)

  4. RK, I try to keep abreast of the major news, but not get obsessed by it.

    Mama Pea, the garden soil is damp in that photo so it looks richer than when dry, but we do try to amend it every year from our abundant manure pile. Thankful for the food it produces!

    Yes, A, that would be Jackson. ;-)

  5. Your spinning is so beautifully even! The colors knock my socks off, er, no pun intended :) I've never managed to get a drop spindle working properly. Rather I have a nice little collection of support spindles I love to work with. My spinning of course was left high and dry when our kitten and her mom came to live with us. But now that we gave said kitten to a more frisky tolerant home we just have Mom cat, Mrs. Maggie. Maggie is laid back enough that I think I might just get some spinning out to work on! Yippee
    Well, off to catch up with more of your blog...
    Hugs for now

  6. Thanks, Beth. I love my Jenkins Turkish spindles – their design, craftsmanship, portability.


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