Saturday, June 25, 2016


Do you see it? It is everywhere! In colors and textures, in light-play and shadow-dance. Sometimes I just soak it up, other times I try, with limited success, to capture it for sharing.

After Friday's woolly work (see last post), I headed to the house. The hens were hanging out,  oblivious to the fact that their feathery finery would put royal robes to shame.
Last night after supper, we spent some "quality family time" in the berry patch picking boysenberries, marion berries, and three colors of raspberries. So pretty – and so tasty!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Feathers from top to bottom belong to: Welsie the Welsummer, one of two remaining Speckled Sussex, and Goldilocks the Easter Egger (sadly gone this morning after a couple days of ailing).

  2. I so love the details in feather, fur and even scales. The natural world is chock full of stunning beauty. So sorry about your hen Michelle.The way of chickens is a mystery to me, but I know that losing even a small part of the family is tough. Did you guys plant your berry patch? We've been eyeing some areas around the house, but stupid as it sounds, I hesitate since it could attract bears up here. Plus I doubt I would get many berries from it considering our smaller resident inhabitants.
    Pets all around.

  3. Yes, i was eyeing those berries too :-) Missing being down at Black Sheep this weekend. T

  4. Such gorgeous colours, shades and patterns! Sorry about Goldilocks. :( I have found that, since we have moved, I am taking the time to see the beauty around me again. That makes me happy.


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