Sunday, June 12, 2016

Geese, sisters, and old married folks ;-)

A couple weeks ago, DS officially finished 8th grade and started his summer job . . . working for DH. While I thought it would be a good idea for Brian to answer to someone other than his parents all summer, it is giving Rick a chance to experience what has been mostly my lot – hands-on, everyday parenting, with all the training, supervising, motivating, and prodding that takes, flavored with the antics and attitudes of adolescence. For some reason, Rick has come home downright cranky about it some days! (I try hard not to remind him of all the times he seemed to think I was unduly discouraged by my role. What's good for the goose....  ;-)

With Rick keeping Brian busy, I am catching up on assorted "back burner" items. On Friday, those included tackling the cobwebs in our house, and starting Babette's halter-training. To make the experience less traumatic for this year's lambie and give last year's lambie a refresher, I took the full sisters out together.
Oh, the ovinity! You don't see big sister Bree in most of the photos because she was standing calmly beside me, while Babette had her histrionics. But Babette did improve, and both girls got pedicures. Training will continue periodically.

Friday was also Rick's and my 32nd anniversary. I didn't realize until this year that we share the date with my Alaskan uncle and aunt. Their 65 years together don't make me feel so old. ;-)  Here are the roses Rick got me this year, along with the orchid he got me last year:

Brian spent Friday night at grandma's. Rick and I had dinner at our favorite restaurant – then spent the rest of the evening hours in the emergency room with a friend. Seems most of our rare dates get interrupted by an emergency – but usually they are veterinary in nature!

Such is life at . . .


  1. Taking the sheep out on a halter looks very much like when I take the cats out on their harnesses. Obviously, you get much better results!
    Happy Anniversary - with wishes for many more!

  2. Oh, the drama! Happy Anniversary to you and your DH!

  3. Happy belated anniversary to you both. Too bad the evening was spent mostly at the hospital! Hope all turned out okay.

    Sounds like a good thing to me for Brian and your hubby to spend some quality time together this summer. Being with and being responsible for a kiddo that age for hours each day is no easy chore. (And a "chore" it sometimes is, as you well know.) Good for Rick to experience it first-hand. We all can sympathize, empathize and/or question someone else's experiences, but until we live the circumstances ourselves it's hard to understand the full picture.

    Glad you're getting some time to yourself . . . even if it's only time to fight with cobwebs! And sheep! ;o)

  4. The picture of Babette on her side made me laugh out loud and brought back some memories. You'd think they were headed to the slaughterhouse...


  5. Thank-you all for the anniversary wishes; our friend is much better and is back home today.

    I've never tried cat-walking, LannieK; sounds challenging!

    Isn't it hilarious, Susan?

    Yes, I think it is turning into a very good thing for Brian to be with Rick this summer – and I'm LOVING having some time alone!

    I almost tried to shoot a video, Diane. Babette's "airs above the ground" were impressive, but she would have deafened you with her yelling. ;-)

  6. Congratulations and I love your limp sulky lamb

  7. Happy Anniversary!

    So glad that you're enjoying some alone time....enjoy!

    It is tough learning the halter.....or so a lamb thinks!

    Your flowers are bewautiful.

  8. Happy Anniversary! Glad your friend is doing better. Also, I did take a smidgen of glee reading about Rick getting to deal with the teen grumpiness you've been dealing with. ;-)

  9. Too funny with the leading. Happy Anniversary!!!

  10. Happy anniversary!


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