Monday, May 02, 2016

Fast life in the slow lane

We had a busy, busy weekend – shoot, we have a busy, busy life! But when I think about what we're busy with, I realize that many people in first-world countries would think our life simple, even boring. Just the way I like it! ;-)

Sky shows instead of Broadway shows:

Fancy flowers instead of fancy gowns:

Growing our own instead of going to five-star restaurants:

Trail riding instead of jet-setting:

Yesterday we got a lot done. The highly visible stuff was done by the guys; they got the grass mowed, finished tilling and weeding the garden, and planted the sprouted Yukon Gold potatoes. On top of chores and kitchen duty, I skirted Bree's fleece, rooed Sarai and gave her a much-needed pedicure (sorry; it was dark by the time I finished so no photos), boxed up fleeces for shipping – and went for that trail ride with friends.

From the simple folk at . . .


  1. That's the kind of life I like too! :) Kinda jealous of your trail ride...

  2. Looks like a wonderful weekend all in all. :-)

  3. Sounds like a lovely day!

  4. Michelle, this side of heaven, there is NO better life! We are blessed to live in rural areas, on farms, being stewards and doing the work God has allowed us to have. Each year, I slow down a little bit more and it takes me longer to get done what needs doing but I wouldn't change it for a NY penthouse.
    Fabulous it!

  5. You could've come, Lorie!

    Yes, it was, Theresa and Pam. :-)

    Glad you enjoyed the music, Sandra; I thought that was a lovely collaboration.

  6. A simple life, but good. I have a postcard that says: "The true wisdom of life is seeing the wonderful in the everyday" - I think you have that skill, Michelle. God bless.


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