Saturday, March 19, 2016

A Sabbath blessing

This morning Vienna was making me second-guess my predictions; by 4:30 p.m. she was cleaning up a strapping brown lamb! After this afternoon's memorial service, Rick and I drove home to quickly let the dogs out and check on Vienna before running back to town for a seminar (Brian was at Grandma's). When I saw the one lamb, we had to make a decision: wait and watch, interfere, or leave. When I went in and checked it out (it's a GIRL; yay!), it started suckling like it knew what it was doing, so we made the assumption that Vienna was done and left. That was confirmed a few hours later when we returned. So without further ado, here is Vienna with her musket daughter Babette ("my God is my vow"):

So. My lambing season is done with one. So strange that last year Sarai had twins and Vienna had triplets; this year, bred to the same ram, both ewes had big singles – too big, in Sarai's case. As the sole star of my 2016 lambing season, Babette will no doubt be tamed and treasured, fawned over and photographed. You've been warned! ;-)

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Vienna did very well birthing on her own - Babette is big and healthy! Love the French name Michelle!

  2. Congrats! What a strapping beauty Babette is!

  3. A big, beautiful, healthy girl! Congratulations to both you and Vienna!

  4. A small season, and I suppose nothing can erase the horror of what happened with Sarai, but at least there is one reason for joy. Babette does look big in the photo - I must be getting a better eye from all your photos over the years ;-)

    Congratulations - I'm so glad you have a girl as I know you are always wanting them. I remember the season where you only had boys!

  5. Congratulations to one & all! Happy for you :-)


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