Sunday, March 13, 2016

A capital idea

On our last day with Rick's family, us "old folks" decided to take in the beauty of Oregon's capitol and surrounding grounds. (The young folk were, variously, driving back home to Colorado, riding mountain bikes, and napping.) The light wasn't great, but I took pictures anyway. ;-)  At least we didn't get rained on – like we did for much of their visit.

While we were sightseeing yesterday, the hens produced eggs 29-32 for the month. That equals the total number of eggs we got in January and February combined. Young layers rock!

That's it now from . . .


  1. Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. I need to take time to go to the Capitol the next time I'm in Salem. I forget how beautiful it is.

  3. Wow, I never knew our capitol was so lovely! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Wow - really beautiful :-)

  5. What a beautiful place! Ours is a lovely building, but it's surrounded by nothing but more buildings.

  6. You posted beautiful pictures!

  7. Love your photos ,
    Good chooks doing their bit too.


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