Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Tuneful Tuesday

Sharing a little fiddle tune from Brian's lesson yesterday. (He played a beautiful hymn based on a Finnish folk melody in church on Sabbath that I wanted to get on video, but the hymnbook wouldn't stay open and I had to jump up to hold it for him.) :-/

While Nero fiddled, I finished father cables:
It still needs a bath and a block, then into the gift stash it goes.

That's all for today from . . .


  1. Brian is getting so good! Thanks for sharing!

    Love the cabled hat too. It's a beauty.

  2. I love Irish folk tunes, so that was fun for me. He's getting better and better! He's also growing up!

  3. LOL! Well, maybe soon he'll be fiddling from the roof! ;-)
    Lovely, tell him thank you.
    And the hat is beautiful! Who donated that lovely fleece again?

  4. Glad you all enjoyed that little tune. :-)

    Theresa, that's Browning's fleece, and I only kept it a few years ago at Brian's insistence that I make him something out of yarn from HIS SHEEP.


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