Friday, February 05, 2016

Some of my best friends are blogpals

No one can take to place of friends with whom you have a long, personal, in-person history, but blogpals can certainly become that kind of friend. And you get a head start with blogpals, because common interests almost always bring you together in the first place.

This week one of my blogpals suffered the unexpected and devastating loss of a treasured flock member. Not everyone can relate to that sentence; I can. Not only can I relate, I had the privilege of meeting this blogpal and this treasured flock member in person. (Wow, Sara, it's been over six years; when Brian was just a "lamb," not an obnoxious yearling ram – ha!)

Another blogger that I truly admire, although I can't take the liberty of calling her a pal, did a post this week that resonates with me. I belong to the closely related Sunrise Club; here are my dues from this morning:

Thankful for blogs, blogging, and blogpals at . . .


  1. Lovely sunrise pictures!

  2. Oh gosh, I remember that trip to KY! Has it been that long that I've been following. So sorry to hear about sweet Graham. It so hard to lose them.
    Great Sunrise/Sunset Club!

  3. Thank-you, Nancy; I love starting the day with a gorgeous sunrise. :-)

    The years fly, Theresa. Seems like WE should have been to meet in person ere this!

  4. SIX YEARS!?!? Sigh... I really enjoyed that visit and remember how well Brian drove Handy. I've sure enjoyed watching him grow up :-).

  5. Blogging truly does create a unique community.

  6. I love how following links from blogs leads one onto new blogs that you really like...Such as Julie's blog. Thank you for the link!

  7. What would we do without our blog pals?

  8. I am sorry about the loss of a flock member; thankfully, I've only lost one sheep due to coyote attack and it was while I wasn't even in country.


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