Monday, February 22, 2016

I could blame it on the phone

Our landline has been dead for at least a week; we noticed we had no dial tone last Monday. The phone company said they'd send a tech last Thursday, then left a message on my cell phone Thursday saying that all the techs were swamped so we were bumped to Friday. No one showed up on Friday, so I called last night to be a squeaky wheel. Was told a tech did show up on Friday but encountered a closed gate. Well, yeah, but that wouldn't have been a problem if said tech had given me a call to tell me he was on his way like I was told he would! So today I am waiting on that call so I can let the tech in so the tech can fix our landline so that we can get calls and messages from all those people who have been complaining that our line is constantly busy when they call. Sheesh! (How's THAT for a barrage of words?)

Lessons in flexibility; life gives us lots of them. I think God knows how much we want/try/think we ought to be in control, and is constantly reminding us to "let go and let God" (be in control).

Can't control the weather, of course. Yesterday was supposed to be wet, wet, wet, so I was surprised by the beautiful sunrise. It clouded up shortly after that and began to rain, but it didn't continue as forecast. In fact, most of the day was beautiful, and ended beautifully with that full moon. The rest of the week is supposed to be warm and dry (until Sabbath), so I was surprised to awaken to the sound of rain this morning. But after a bit the sun managed to peek through the clouds, and the clouds to the northwest started to break up.

Then the fog moved in.

Ah well; we'll take what comes at . . .


  1. Love the pictures...and look at that heavy fog.

  2. Beautiful photos; re. the phone don't have to pay for service you've not received. IOW, for the time the phone isn't working, ask for a credit and you'll get it. I've been through this more times than I can count...V *finally* got it thru their heads that (a) I do NOT have mobile phone cell service and (b) they DO have to give me credit for the time the land line wasn't working.

  3. It got heavier for several hours before finally burning off, Nancy Kay!

    Thanks, Sandra; I would have insisted as much if the person I talked to during my first call hadn't stated that our bill would be adjusted for the days we didn't have service. I just wish it wouldn't take so long . . . and so many phone calls!

  4. Pah! Getting things done always seems such a palaver! Lovely photos and thank you for your wise words over at The Teapot. Always much appreciated.

  5. Weather can be so fickle here and then it turns down right boring and hot. :-)
    Hope the phone people got your land line fixed. We dropped ours years ago. I miss it for some things on occasion. Hope it's all perfect for schooling though.

  6. Mouse, I love your thoughtful posts!

    Theresa, I agree with you on summer being boring and hot. We could hit pause on the weather right now and I'd be happy. The phone isn't fixed; turns out it's a short inside our house somewhere. We've got to decide if we want to pay someone for the time to parse it out. :-/


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