Friday, February 19, 2016

Dodging raindrops

According to Portland meteorologists, this is wettest winter on record (defined as December-February), with over a week left to add to the totals.

Thankfully, the rain here is not continuous, and I do my best to take advantage of the breaks. This morning I slipped out during one of them to ride my horse, and during another one I caught some of the birds outside our windows.

You can tell spring is coming; the wild bird crowd is growing!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Lovely pictures! Send some rain our way, will you? I am beginning to get worried, we had so little snow, and no appreciable rain!

  2. LOL, yep but not here yet. I recognize most of that cast of feathered characters. We don't get many doves up here. We do see an occasional kildeer nesting at this time of year a bit lower. The magpies are showing up and woodpeckers of all sorts of varieties abound. My favorites though, the nuthatches, chestnut backed chickadees and the Rufus hummingbirds

  3. Your bird pictures are wonderful!!!! Good to see the little guys returning, eh?

  4. It's 62 here today. I'm finally starting to be able to gather some eggs in the hen house. I think Spring is coming.

  5. Beautiful shots, Michelle. What camera are you using nowadays?

  6. Wonderful photos! Birds are a shared passion, dear sister of my heart. Can't wait to hug you!

  7. Wonderful photos! Birds are a shared passion, dear sister of my heart. Can't wait to hug you!


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