Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Down to mud and stumps

The gentle transition from foggy pre-dawn to hazy daybreak this morning belied the destruction to come. On Tuesday the remaining firs screening the winery from the lot next door were cut down; today the track hoe attacked and devoured the last trees standing, the little patch in the middle that were the oldest trees on the lot.

It was a beautiful, mild day and I was going to ride Lance before homeschool co-op, but the clanging and crunching of the giant machine as it ravaged the last remaining growing things was too much. My distraction and distress would have negatively impacted my mount.

I hope if there were any wildings sheltering in that little hummock, they were able to escape in time.

These beauties helped keep me distracted inside until we left for the afternoon.
Up next: the "burn" part of "slash and burn"? If so, I'm afraid we'll all need supplemental oxygen at . . .


  1. Are they putting in a housing development there? I would be devastated about the loss of trees and wildlife habitat too, even if I did get a new view.

  2. What a travesty! I am sure the wildlife is long moved, given all the noise and devastation that's been going on. I always think that land clearing like that looks like an open wound. I hope there is no "burn" part, for all your sakes.

  3. No, Mokihana, a single dwelling and a vineyard.

    Susan, I can't imagine what else they would do with the tons of roots, branches, and the deciduous trees from the middle, piles into multitudes of huge piles all over the lot. Hauling it all away would be cost-prohibitive, and from what we've seen, I really don't think the new owner is the type to be bothered by decreased air quality. :-(

  4. Oh dear, that would be a lot of smoke to deal with. Do they run any of that stuff through a chipper?

    Beautiful flowers!

    1. They certainly could; there would probably be enough to redo the footing in my arena! But like I intimated, this new owner doesn't seem to be the type to minimize environmental impact.

  5. Are these the same owners that built the big winery nearby? Or are you guys in the middle of a boom area?

    1. Not the same owner. It's the lot between us and the big winery; it's been for sale since we bought our place in 1995. I'm pretty sure the winery made it much more appealing, and it sold last year.

  6. Sorry about the air quality. I hope it will be over with soon!


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