Sunday, January 17, 2016

A beautiful day in a different neighborhood

Last Thursday one of my co-workers and I took a short walk break to lower her blood sugar (it worked amazingly well). I kept stopping to snap photos with my iPhone, then running to catch up; so many pretty details to be seen in suburban landscaping!

Enjoying beauty away and at home at . . .


  1. Michelle, these photos are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing them. We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful area with lots of natural beauty!

  2. Oh, you are so fortunate to have these lovely blooms in January!

  3. It's always nice to explore new terrain. What beautiful photographs (as usual)!

  4. So wild to me to see blossoms and such at this time of year, as here in the Midwest, there's nothing doing for another couple of months yet :-)


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