Saturday, December 05, 2015

What's outside your window?

(I dare you to click on that last one to biggify, and not laugh!)

That's it for today from . . .


  1. It made me windows need severe washing! Great Photos though!

  2. Got a lot on your holiday plate, Diane, or bad weather?

    Oh Fiona, my windows are TERRIBLE. I'm surprised these turned out as well as they did!

  3. Isn't it great? Love the good photos of the birds just outside your reach, but close enough to thoroughly enjoy!

  4. I love the last picture! I found myself making up all kinds of captions to go with it!

  5. You win! I couldn't help but chuckle. Birds never fail to please in numerous ways.

  6. He is adorable, but looks a wee bit cranky. I think he's telling you to buggar off!!

  7. Looks like a red bird version of that grumpy blue bird picture - so sorry about your tree - who'd a thought it could happen twice in a row! T.


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