Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The other side of the winter solstice

Let there be more light! Not because the days are getting noticeably longer yet, but because of more visible sun. Our long rainy spell has ended, and the end of this year and the beginning of next is supposed to be clear . . . and chilly. This morning the leaf litter was decorated with the most frost we've seen so far.
The bird feeder was a popular place, with the frosty deck railing serving as a waiting area.
Meanwhile, rain or shine, work continues on the lot next door. There's now a track hoe decking logs and creating giant piles of branches, giving the dogs more reason to bark.

The sheep are busy growing wool, and hopefully a couple bellies full of lambs. Photos ops haven't been plentiful, so here is a puzzle for those who need a little sheep fix:

Finally, here's a little fiddle tune for toe-tappin', from Brian's last lesson of 2015:

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Once you have enough of your sunshine, please send some here. We're still having gray, damp days. Cold now (seems all the more so with no sun) and a (shallow) layer of snow covering the ground, but oh my, could we ever use some sunshine!

    How much acreage is the "lot" next door? Are there plans for several homes to be built there?

  2. Great little video of Brian paying. Has he picked up a second instrument? Most musicians do. And is he still fencing. I'm afraid I might not have kept up with things if it was posted. Glad you guys are getting some sun. We are too and a daily 4-6 inches of snow over night it seems. Snowpack might not be the problem this year. Any luck with that alpaca?

  3. playing....geesh, I can't even say its because it's early either!

  4. Mama Pea, I'd share if I could, even though we get precious little here in the wintertime. The lot next door is roughly five acres. We've been told the new owner plans to plant most of it in wine grapes, with one house site.

    Thanks, Theresa. Brian took piano lessons from his grandma until last summer. He likes piano but wants to learn jazz, which she doesn't "do," and doesn't have any extra time with this year's curriculum (and his response to it). He has a recorder, a harmonica, and an old guitar, all of which he's piddled with. He says he'd like to get a mandolin, which is an obvious second (same fingering), but time and money are issues. Fencing also got crowded out this school year, and the salle made some big program changes in the fall that may keep us from picking that up again even if Brian gets better at time management. Haven't had a chance to spin lately, but I know I'll love it!

  5. Oh, no, I've missed what is going on in the lot next door!!!

  6. Brian is really doing great :) thanks for sharing and thanks for the puzzle.

  7. Love the music and the photos! Toe-tappin' for sure! Thanks for the lovely photos. I mourn all those trees coming down...

  8. Wine seems to be a major theme in your area! I suppose a vineyard is better than a development, but what a shame to lose all those trees. Enjoy your sunshine - I'm hoping for some before February... :)

  9. It sold earlier this year, Mary Ann, and the destruction of the "forest" began soon after. :-/

    You're welcome, Diane; I'm glad you enjoyed both!

    I mourn them, too, Mokihana. I AM thankful they were cut down when they were, and not when nests would have been full of eggs or babies, and little creatures were raising young.

    Oh my, yes, Susan; there are vineyards and wineries everywhere it seems. And they seem to be doing well, even when unemployment was high and the economy was terrible. Seems people always have money for wine. :-/

  10. I'm looking forward to the longer days too! They can't get here fast enough! I enjoyed the music; Brian is a fine musician.

  11. Today, the sun shone for about 30 minutes, a first in weeks! It's been rain, rain, rain and beginning to turn cold, cold, cold. It's barely winter and I'm ready for warm.
    Happy New Year, Michelle, to you and yours; celebrate in good health and happiness.

  12. Thanks for the affirmation, Nancy Kay.

    And to you and yours, Sandra!


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