Friday, December 25, 2015

Gloria in excelsis deo!

After 24 days straight of measurable precipitation, our Christmas gift was this beautiful day from sunrise to sunset, to moonrise.
(Sorry; that was the best I could do with the lovely moon tonight.)

There is more to share about our Christmas Eve and day, but for now I'll leave you with my current earworm. I've looked up and listened to several versions, but this is my favorite one to watch:

Merry Christmas to you and yours from . . .


  1. Well, today looks to be a good one for an ear worm! ;-)
    The moon over the snow has been spectacular. I must have spent at least 30 minutes in bed looking out the window at the beauty of it all. Cold as all get out here though. 2 degrees F this morning.

  2. Such beautiful photos! And yes! That is my new favorite version of that song. Wow.
    Happy New Year!

  3. Gosh, that was a WONDERFUL video, Michelle... Merry Christmas!

  4. Not a big fan of Leonard Cohen, but that rendition of his song is amazing! Thanks for sharing! T.


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