Friday, November 06, 2015

You've come a long way, baby

Thank-you for all your input. The general consensus on Dicey's sweater was to frog, but I decided to try a modification first. I ripped back to the leg holes and put the back stitches on hold, then ripped back the belly section to its beginning and started increasing between the two cables. I should know by tonight if this is going to make it wearable for her, or if I'll have to rip back further or completely frog it.

Projects like this remind me just how much I've learned as a knitter. It doesn't seem that long ago that I couldn't maintain a simple rectangle (until I found that post to link to and saw my little boy – oh my!); now I'm executing a cable chart backwards (this pattern is only charted for the right side; when knitting back and forth you have to figure out the wrong side yourself). And I don't know how many projects I tinked (knitted backwards) forEVer or just frogged and started over, because ripping back and picking up loose stitches was beyond my fortitude and ability.

We've passed peak color in our area, but the Japanese maples are still providing amazing encores. Even on a grey, fogging morning, my favorite tree glows like an ember:

On my way down to do morning chores, Benny posed for a fog-muted portrait:

Sarai came up for a scratch, so I took the opportunity to catch her and trim her hooves – and take a shot of her stunning fleece. I'm hoping there are lambies developing behind those locks!

The chainsaws are back at it today after a few days' silence. So far, the workers have left a row of trees standing along our property line; maybe Rick's conversations with them have born fruit.

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Such lovely sheepies! And great idea about a reverse cable chart for the back side. Makes things much less confusing.

  2. I am with you! I too remember barely being able to knit a square. We have super powers now and we're still learning :-D. So glad about the trees!

  3. Your favorite tree is still a treat to see! The sheep are so pretty in their foggy surroundings.

  4. Just found you. Nice. Warning about those little mushrooms. Many can be poison to the dogs. A friend in Sisters,OR lost a mini weiner dog, SAD


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