Monday, November 30, 2015

Wrapping up my birthday month

The weather, it is a-changin'. I posted the above photo on Instagram this morning; within an hour it had clouded over and started sprinkling.  It hasn't amounted to anything so far; I'm hoping the temperature stays warm enough to prevent anything nasty accumulating overnight, because I have to go to work tomorrow.

The boys enjoyed the last morning rays we may see for awhile, while exploring changes to their environment:
Yes, the Shetlands are segregated again. Yesterday Rick finished up a couple projects he's been working on, one of which was an access lane between the little Ram-ada Inn lot and the larger wooded lot. Once he completed that, I caught and moved Vienna and Sarai back into the Sheep Sheraton with the other girls, then led ram-man Blake through the lane to the wooded lot and back to show the wethers the new passageway. To my surprise, they were immediately comfortable moving back and forth through this new set-up. Now I have a much easier way to round the boys up for hands-on management like coat changes; slick!
In addition, Rick finished installing a new hydrant outside the horses' paddocks. Brian helped with that, cleaned the henhouse, and did some homework. Besides shuffling sheep, I worked on some graphics jobs, made a four-loaf batch of bread, and sliced, salted, and kneaded 12 pounds of cabbage for sauerkraut. After all that, I sat down for a well-deserved rest:
Well, one of us got a rest!  ;-)

That's it for November from . . .


  1. A decent finish to your special month Michelle! Great pics and I'm wishing I had snapped that little Diva up. She is super cute and likely becoming quite pampered. I bet she is appreciative of that handsome sweater you knitted considering the frigid temps of late.

    1. Ha; that hand knit sweater is becoming fingerless mitts, and Dicey has one from Walmart that fits much better!

  2. We've always had big dogs, but I'm beginning to see there's something to be said for small, lap-type dogs. Easier for snuggling, loving time for both pup and human!

    1. That's me, Mama Pea; a bigger dog lover who is unexpectedly enjoying a wee bundle of love!

  3. Sounds like a busy day, accomplishing much! Yes, a little nap with the dog is perfect; what a cutie.

  4. I just love seeing the sheep in their coats! I bet you are ecstatic to have that hydrant installed! :D Late Happy Birthday my sweet friend.

    Beth P


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