Thursday, November 19, 2015

"O-ewe child...

things are gonna get easier."
Last night I had a little uncommitted time so I turned my attention to Bree. It has pained me to see her lovely lamb fleece – the nicest fleece she'll ever grow – covered with hay, but timing, as well as time, has been a problem. The über-soft lamb fleeces, sometimes tipped with birth coat, seem prone to cotting when coated too soon. The hay load will only get worse when I break up my breeding group soon, though, so it was time to clean her up as best I could and get a coat on her.
This lightweight Rocky Sheep Suit should help keep her gorgeous fleece from cotting on the tips. It is SO soft and crimpy, with excellent length – just the outcome I desired when I crossed Vienna and Blake last year. Here's hoping for more (ewe!) lambs just as nice next spring from the same cross!

That's it for now from . . .

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