Monday, November 23, 2015

City streets and chicken mysteries

Last week I took some clothes to a local resale store and since I didn't have Brian with me, I had a look around. There, in the furniture section, a big painting caught my eye. The scene of an old-fashioned city street glowing on a rainy night drew me in, and over to look at the price. Even though I'm of an age when I am conscious of needing to downsize and divest, I couldn't resist it for $39. It's hanging in my bedroom (I don't have a lot of available wall space) where I have already gotten more than my money's worth of enjoyment from it.

On Saturday afternoon, I stepped out of a memorial service in town to see this across the street:
It was achingly beautiful, creating strange harmony with the aching sadness of a father dying too soon.

Last night when I shut the pop door on the henhouse, I noted that Elvira was up on the roost. Joining a Speckled Sussex and a Red Sex-link (both have been doing somewhat poorly for weeks) on the floor of the coop was the Buff Orpington. Hmmm. I looked her over; she looked as robust as ever so I left her alone. This morning she was dead. No signs of violence; just dead. ???

I continue to spin Blaise's fleece and knit on these:
They are for a Christmas gift exchange coming up soon; I'd better knit more and spin less!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. I like it too (painting). I saw a barnyard scene weeks back, likely at that same store that drew me in. But I didn't buy it, and have regretted it since. Just wasn't sure where I'd put it.

  2. Nice painting, I prefer those to the modern ones and at this price it doesn't cover the frame cost.... good deal.

  3. Now I'm guessing you are using some kind of two at a time magic loop set up for those mitts? I am ashamed to say, I went back to using double points for small round things, I just couldn't rid myself of the ladders using the magic loop.

  4. SCUDS. Sudden Chicken Unexplained Death Syndrome. I have had that happen too. I like the colors of that painting - very nice! I wish I could make myself sit down and try the two-at-a-time socks/mittens. It would save me from the "oh, no, there's another sock" feeling...


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