Friday, October 30, 2015

A well-earned day of rest

Yes, me and my lil' ol' laptop are here. Last night the Apple genius ran some diagnostic tests and all the parts passed. He said that may mean trouble is just starting, though, so back-up compulsively and bring it back in if it goes on the fritz again. Sure thing. In the mean time, I cranked out a LOT of work this week (even though a lot of other things had to slide) and am enjoying this day of rest (which began at sundown tonight). After chores I'm going to sit and knit awhile, maybe while sipping a cup of tea. Ah, fall; you are filled with satisfying pastimes!

One of the things that suffered in my push to meet deadlines was photography. I saw stunning views left and right during every drive, but had no time to pull over and capture them. Yesterday on my way to the Apple Store, I rolled down my window at a stop sign and shot this view across a field; score!

Good thing, too, as today this started:
(Again, captured from my car.)

That's it for now from . . .


  1. The leaves here were at their peak last weekend - it really is the most beautiful time of the year if you live somewhere with seasons :-)

  2. Two great Fall photos!! I love the wide range of colors you get in your area.

  3. I was afraid the fall colors would be a total bust this year; because of the unusual heat and lack of rain, the native big leaf maples just dropped their leaves without fanfare. Fortunately, some of the other trees have stepped up on stage.


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