Wednesday, August 12, 2015

You know what they say....

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." We're trying to make plans for the school year which is nearly upon us while life keeps happening. Theresa checked in on me (thanks, friend!), saying my blogs have been uncharacteristically quiet, which prompted me to finish a post on my horse blog (click to read it) I started Sunday night. Now I must get ready to report for jury duty this morning. More later!

Still alive and kicking at . . .


  1. Well I understand about life getting in the way of blogging. Thank you for visiting my blog recently wheen I posted the knittied jacket. Yes, I have knitted two. I used to knit a lot of sweaters but now I prefer smaller stuff. But you have TWO blogs and I can barely keep my self current with one.ha! Anyway I visited your horse blog. My only closed up experience with a horse was on the other side of a fence and all I could think was ... MY GOD THESE ARE BIG! Beautiful creatures. But I am back to the blog with the sheep and the bulldog. Haha!

    1. RK, I would have more time to knit if I didn't blog, but I gain so much from my blogpals.

  2. As summer ends, I'm always pretty busy scheduling the things I want to get in before the good weather ends!

  3. It is so hard to post when life gets hectic!


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