Sunday, August 02, 2015

A perfect repast

When a certain food satisfies, I can happily eat it for days on end. Such is the sandwich that has been hitting all the right notes for over a week now.
Just three ingredients – homemade bread, Kerrygold cheddar (nabbed for a song at Grocery Outlet), raw snow peas from the garden. YUM. I restrict myself to one a day because of the cheese, otherwise I'd probably be eating these for breakfast, lunch AND dinner.

Wanting to end with something sweet and cold today, I grabbed some of our frozen Bing cherries. Sorry, no pretty pictures; I et em!

Eating well at . . .


  1. My weakness is a fresh tomato sandwich. I could eat a dozen!

  2. LOL, Looks yummy, Mine is tuna salad with lots of pickles. BTW, LOVED the Cedar Waxwings in the last post. I am so jealous, I have never seen one in person.

  3. Cherries for dessert - that's a summer favorite!!!

  4. Susan, while I appreciate tomatoes, I can live without them.

    Theresa, I loved the waxwings, too! I have seen them in the distance before, but never close enough to appreciate their many beautiful colors.

    Do you freeze them, Nancy Kay. SO refreshing -- like sorbet!

  5. He, he, he - Love the plate of cherry pits - that's as far as I'd get too - Have you ever had Cougar Gold cheese - made at WSU school of agriculture? It is the best in the world! T.


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