Wednesday, July 01, 2015

One dog's opinion

"It's 'dog days,' definitely. The heat doesn't bother those squirrels AT.ALL."
We (the dogs and people) are staying pretty close to the AC – and very thankful for it! Thankful, too, for our burgeoning garden; the heat does it good as long as we keep the water going. I think the sheep would take the house by force if they knew it was cooler in here; they look miserable. The horses seem oblivious, standing in full sun even when they aren't grazing, in spite of available shade.

We've decided to go on an abbreviated horse-camping trip due to the heat and work pressures. Even with the shorter trip, I'm worried about my outdoor potted plants. I've been watering them daily; my sole geranium is rewarding me with opening buds.

Posts may be few and far between the next couple of weeks or so, since I'll be traveling without my laptop. I won't be traveling without a spindle, though. The Tour de France – and the concurrent Tour de Fleece – begins on July 4, and I'll be spinning along. (When I'm home, I'll also be spinning Blaise's fleece on my HansenCrafts miniSpinner.)

Ready for the starting gun at . . .


  1. Your spinning project looks the colors! For your smaller outdoor plants have you tried a mini water bag...even a milk carton with a small hole and piece of wool in the hold to create a slow drip. Have a good time away.

  2. Hey, now we are talking. FINALLY a picture of the most important animal of the all - that beautiful bull dog!!!!!

  3. Look at that pretty pretty top. I hope you have a great and safe time on your camping trip. Your pastures look as dry as ours - I've never seen it this brown, this early. The Shepherd is going to have hoses staged all over on Saturday in case the neighbors shoot off fireworks.


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