Monday, June 22, 2015

Worth its weight in gold (and aspirin)

Last night I harvested the last of 2015's fleeces – that of my petite Blaise. I've had my eye on this hogget fleece all year; it's soft, crimpy, dense, and longish in a gorgeous silvery black. Her fleece test results surprised me; I would have guessed she was finer than she is (29.2µ AFD, 6 SD, 20.7 CV, 10 CEM, 28.3µ SF). And after spending over four hours rooing her lovely fleece last night, I'm still in love with it, and even more surprised at her numbers. Given how much I like this fleece and how much time I have invested in it, I don't think anyone could offer enough money to make me willing to part with it! Now I just have to figure out how/who to process it....
This morning I finished by scissoring off her "lion's mane"
Mid-side after rooing
That's it for today from . . .


  1. Yes, that is a beautiful color! I can understand not wanting to part with it!

  2. Beautiful! I can see the lanolin glisten from here, I can almost feel it!


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