Thursday, June 11, 2015

Today's chuckle

Ha – there is a dram of truth in this! I must admit, though, that my son is a affectionate boy as well as a challenging one. Still, a dog is second only to our heavenly Father in unconditional love and unbridled enthusiasm for you. I've shared it before, but I love this little song and video so much I'm going to share it again.  ;-)

Thank-you for all the well wishes for our anniversary! I certainly don't feel old enough to have been married for 31 years; my, how time zooms by. I suppose I'll be saying the same thing at 62 years!

Here are some miscellaneous snapshots taken on our anniversary, a few snapshots of our life.

My beautyberry bush is blooming for the first time!
Two of Brian's three "favored citizHens," Goldilocks and Welsie
Check it out; our first nestbox has baby wrens!!!
Smart lambs; sometimes the grass IS greener on the other side of the fence.
Benny is still very ill, and Rick leaves very early in the morning for four days. Please pray for my little boy, and for me while I hold down the fort.

That's it for now from . . .


  1. I hope Benny's getting better - It hasn't been quite as hot here as you've had, I don't think - we've been in the 80's mostly - The Shepherd has been working through it all, and sheep have been able to stay cool enough, I guess.
    Tomorrow is my last day at work at the company where I've worked for 21 years and 11 months. "Early retirement" is what my boss called it :-( He's doing a bbq for the staff to celebrate. I'll be on unemployment with some severance to help pay for health insurance.
    We'll see how it goes. T.

  2. Cute Zelda! Hoping Benny is out of the woods soon.

  3. Holding Benny in my thoughts and heart - same to you. I hope it pulls through.

  4. So sorry to hear that Benny is still not doing well. That is so hard. Have you tried any of the rumen remedy that Lois Moore has on her website? That stuff is pretty great if they aren't eating.


  5. Tina, you know I'm thinking about you.

    Thank-you for your prayers, Lannie; he still needs them!

    Theresa and RT, I always get a kick out of my daily Zelda emails.

    Thank-you for the thoughts, Susan and Tammy. I keep thinking about that Rumen Remedy; I need to look up the recipe and give it a try.

  6. I love that little song. Thank you for sharing.


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