Thursday, May 07, 2015

Thursday slump

I don't much like my life right now; hey, we all feel that way at times, right? Right? I'd better keep my mouth shut and just show you some pretty pictures.

The biggest moth I've ever seen, in our garage:

I think there is a lesson for me here:

Wild iris, my favorite wildflowers:
I've been seeing them on my rides for the last week; this evening I dismounted so I could get some decent photos of these beauties.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. God I hate those messy bits myself. Hope it all blows over soon. Lovely towers Michelle. Big hugs to you!

  2. I have occasionally seen a moth that large here in Colorado.
    The yellow and white iris is awesome!

  3. Ah, moods. I know 'em well. When I get really bad, I call my brother. He always reminds me that the storms pass. Which I know, but for some reason it sounds better coming from him.


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