Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Silence is golden


  1. Nice assortment Michelle! We had a few Amer. Gold Finches come through a few weeks ago, but they just pass through here. Lots of Grosbeaks (Evening and some of your Black Headed, occasional a rose breasted one.), though and Cassin's Finches.

  2. The knitting is beautiful, but the birds... my gosh!

  3. The bird pictures are wonderful. Nice photography!! And the knitting is in the same Beautiful lace work. Is this a scarf? A shawl?

  4. Theresa, we haven't seen the Evening Grosbeaks yet; we don't get rose-breasted Grosbeaks and I would LOVE to see one in person!

    Mary Ann, your bird photography far surpasses mine. :-)

    Nancy Kay, my photos would be better if my windows were cleaner. The WIP is "Diane" by Romi Hill; it's a scarf or small shawl, whichever description you prefer. ;-)


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