Wednesday, May 20, 2015

New vacancies

Last night Rick and Brian put up two more birdhouses. Brian made the one on the left; the one on the right Rick and I picked up last Sabbath at the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge. We went there to walk and bird-watch while Brian was at youth group and stumbled into the tail end of 19th Annual Tualatin River Bird Festival. Not only did we get a free bluebird box and some good information, I added Cinnamon Teals and Gadwalls to my lifetime bird list!

To the left of the above photo, the ewes and lambs were guzzling grass.

Lambs grow so fast. Sarai is on the far right with her sons standing next to her; Boston looks almost as big as his mom! (You can click to biggify.)

On the other side of the house a couple new iris have opened. The purple-edged white bearded iris is a favorite. The white flags are not, mostly because they grow in a huge mass that doesn't bless my island bed. It would take a ton of work to dig them out, though, so there they have remained.

That's it for now from . . .


  1. That's what I need to do with our wood fence posts! Bird houses!

    As usual, your photos are gorgeous. This is such a happy time of year.

    1. Leigh, I'm a little worried that they are too close to the ground, but we'll see. The nesting box on the south fence line perpendicular to this has had no less than four species of birds vying for occupancy, so we're hoping to ease competition a bit!

  2. Ooo, look at the lush grass and pretty iris. Beautiful.


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