This morning I took a closer look at the garden to better appreciate my husband's hard work. In addition to the starts, seeds are sprouting nicely – radishes, bush beans, peas, and carrots.
The vineyard and berry patch are looking good (as is my rhubarb, far left). There are strawberries (to the far right of the row crops) ready to pick as well; that'll probably be on my list for tomorrow.
On my list today was rooing Sarai. It was perfect timing; she rooed easily and was left with a good layer of new growth. She stood very nicely for me as well, one of the few sheep I have that doesn't fight the blocking stand.
The tugging of rooing stretches the locks and disrupts the crimp alignment, although that changes the nature and quality of the fleece not at all. But I snapped a photo of Sarai's fleece mid-side so interested parties can see what it looks like before rooing.
Her ram lambs yelled for her the entire time I rooed, of course. But when I turned her out to join them in the pasture afterwards, they didn't recognize her and continued to yell. She answered not a word, turning her attention to eating; Vienna acted far more concerned about all the noise. Then again, Vienna has been the more attentive mother all along. I plan to roo her tomorrow; it will be interesting to see how her girls react!
That's it for today . . .
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