Friday, March 13, 2015

White and yellow

'Twas a busy day of cooking and cleaning, but I did take a little time to "smell the roses."

My two rose bushes on the deck are leafing out in earnest; no buds yet but the leaves themselves are lovely:
We're supposed to get significant rainfall this weekend; we surely need it. Then it can dry back out before lambing. Vienna and Sarai are both uncomfortable now; hopefully they don't have too long to endure.

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Oh my goodness, what lovely blooms!!

  2. I saw some crocus blooming at the old house this morning, I am going to try to get a picture of it tonight, after Mass. First flowers around here of the year, and yours are beautiful! Send some rain this way, will you?

  3. Looking back through your recent posts I see you are blooming in glorious color! When are the lambs due?

  4. Yes, we are blessed, Nancy Kay!

    Mary Ann, for some reason I had a very dismal showing of croci this year. Something digs in the front flower bed where they are planted; I think most of them must have been dug up. I'd share some rain if I could; we already have 2.25 inches and more is due this afternoon and evening!

    I only have a due date for Vienna, Leigh, and that's a week from today. Sarai looks like she settled close to the same time, though.

  5. Looks like spring. Those lambs will be fun. Can't wait to see them. I'll be living vicariously through your lambing this year as we did not breed ours the fall.


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