Saturday, March 07, 2015

Two weeks to waddle wait

It's been a busy week (as you could probably tell, blogging time lost out). This afternoon, though, brought sweet solitude so I turned out the ewes and sat down in the pasture to soak up some sunshine and sheepy company.
My yearlings made sure I wasn't alone for long. As soon as I sat down, Bali and Blaise came running up. Last year's lamb crop is crazy-friendly, which seems to go with hand-in-glove with loud mouths. Bali is the friendliest – and the loudest!

In spite of Bali's insistence that I was there for her and her alone, I managed to get some photos of the two preggos. Vienna is due two weeks from today. I am excited to see what's in there!

Both expectant ladies are ungainly, itchy, and labored in their breathing. That "ninth month" of pregnancy is the worst!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Michelle, I don't beautifully like you do. I just knit simply with my own wool trying to use up as much of it as possible. It is mindless knitting, and I love it. But...sometimes it is difficult since I have soooo much help.

  2. So lovely to see pictures of your spring flowers and green grass. And how great to be greeted by your yearlings. Cute pictures! I'm looking forward to the pictures of your new lambies soon!!

  3. Does Pregnancy affect the wool growth? They are huge!

  4. You are doing a much better job of utilizing your own wool, Sharrie!

    Thanks, Nancy Kay; I can't wait to have lambies to take photos OF! And if our weather continues to be unseasonably warm and mild, they will get to be out on pasture from the first week.

    Not that I've seen, Fiona. Whether they are bred or left open, each of my ewes produces a unique-to-them fleece that is pretty consistent year to year.


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