Sunday, March 29, 2015

One of these things is not like the others

Annabelle got rooed today! One fleece harvested, 13 to go....

Now that I've seen the forecast, I'm thinking I should have done Raggedy Andy Barbados instead. Those trees are the only shelter in the boys' pasture, and tomorrow – when I'm "Gone Girl" – is supposed to be our last dry day for awhile. Maybe I'll get lucky and the rain will hold off until Tuesday morning. Glad everyone got lots of time outside today; the lambs had a ball together!

The flowering cherry is starting to bloom. If you've got it, flaunt it!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Maybe fleece wise you should have done someone else, but it sure must have made for some quality time with Annabelle!

  2. All that WOOOOLLLLL!!!!! So lucky!!!!

  3. How lovely to have a moment to catch up on all the lambing photos. Your young ones are so sweet, and it's interesting reading how the mums look after their babies so well. I wouldn't be able to leave them!

  4. So much wool...and such lovely cherry blossoms! Yea for spring!

  5. That tree is so gorgeous. I've seen some snowdrops and also a few crocus here, and my daffodils are coming up now - no blossoms yet, just the promise of some to come :-)


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