Sunday, March 22, 2015

Now for those lovable lambs

Before the rain moved in today, I let out all the ewes and lambs together to stretch their legs and graze. Sarai thought it was a bit too soon to let her wee boys mingle with the flock, so she kept them off to themselves:
She did let me get some good photos, though. And, as is typical of ram lambs, they were happy to stick around and pose instead of skittering off. (Brian is already campaigning to have them banded so he can love on them all he wants, but both look too promising for quick decisions and Brian has Bree and Brosna to cuddle.) There's Boston (I decided to stick with the Irish place names theme),
and – in honor of my friend Adrienne's mother's birthplace – Belfast.
Nice, huh? All four lambs have super conformation like that, and all four have crimpy, soft, consistent birth coats. Very promising, indeed!

Meanwhile, the girls are getting a head start on their training:

Lamb races have begun, at . . .


  1. Oh, your babies are so cute!!! Love those light circles around their eyes.

  2. Loved the lamb video - what a nice heart smile for a morning :)

  3. Oh my gosh, the ears, the leaps, the EYES!!! :-)

  4. I'm so pleased you got 4 nice lambs!! Do you name all your sheep with "B" names?

  5. Those circles are a telltale sign that all of this year's lambs inherited the Ad, or fading, gene from their sire, FFG.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it, Sharon and Mary Ann!

    Yep, everyone gets "B" names, Kelly. I have a very small flock, so it works.

  6. OMG!!! OMG!!!!! Thank you :-) He is a stunner!!! You are so, so kind, Michelle :-)

  7. p.s. Any chance of dibs on his hoggett fleece? :-) (if not, no worries :-) ).


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