Sunday, February 22, 2015

They're everywhere; they're everywhere!

Protective Mr. Goose
Proudly leading his lady
Yesterday after church, Brian's youth group took a hike around a nearby wildlife reserve. It was a beautiful day, so Rick and I decided to tag along. I've never gotten to see this wetlands area truly wet; the waterfowl were definitely enjoying it. It wasn't quite as warm as it looked, though, thanks to a chilly breeze.
There is a resident pair of bald eagles that nest in this reserve; see the nest at the top of the distant tree on the far left? One of the eagles was resting on a snag at the far side of the reserve; I got a good look at it through the observatory's spotting scope, but it was too far for little Mr. Lumix.

The wind must have blown in a large flock of robins; they were everywhere I looked this morning!

Their colors are very similar to my finished California Poppies Hat:
This fun, fast project was just the scratch my knitting itched needed. Unfortunately it turned out small, more of a child's size. I can get it on my small head, but it's tight. Not that I wear hats....

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Those photos of the birds are great. Makes me long for spring...we won't see robins up north until mid-April earliest. I'm still hibernating in -25 weather this morning!!

  2. I love your hat! I have the same 'problem' - I love to knit them, but never wear them. I am a diehard Melanie's cabled earwarmer fan! I can't wait to see robins. I thought I heard just a faint spring bird call, but I might have been mistaken. My ears are frozen, earwarmer or not!

  3. I enjoyed seeing all the bird pictures. And what a beautiful area. Good looking hat too!! I like the pattern of colors.


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