Wednesday, January 14, 2015

My turn

That's what I get for waxing nostalgic about morning chores – this morning I got to do them all by myself!

We all got to bed after 1:00 this morning after a little visit to the ER, but as usual, I woke up first. I decided to let my guys sleep and headed to the barn. Hello, my beautiful wool-bearers!
It's "all about that fleece." ;-)

After feeding, watering, and cleaning stalls, I decided to cut Breezy's tail. What's left needs a good soak and soaping to get all the cancer gunk out, but that will be a more manageable task now.
Yes, Lance, I see you waiting in the wings. A friend gave me a feed ball to help keep my mouthy mustang occupied, so I filled that next. I think it's a hit!
We didn't do any schoolwork or practice today, so I got a LOT done. Laundry, scrubbing and vacuuming floors, cleaning out flowerbeds, making a big kettle of tasty soup – even cleaning and re-bedding the Sheep Sheraton with Rick's help. (That's twice in as many months, a new record!) Now I think I'd better hit the hay and try to get enough sleep to function tomorrow at work.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. I hope your visit to ER wasn't too serious. Best wishes for that.
    I like seeing your sheep in their coats. So stylish!!

  2. Hope the trip to the ER wasn't anything too serious. The flock looks awesome. Take care.

  3. The mention of the visit to the ER was a terrible tease! Makes us all worry. And probably imagine things worse than they were. Hope all is well.

  4. It looks like Brian has an infection. Anything more than that he would not appreciate me sharing. ;-)

  5. Love the ball-treat idea... I like doing chores on my own sometimes, I find it relaxing and I pay more attention to what I'm doing.


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