Yesterday morning I was the first one up, as usual. Approaching dawn brightened the cloudless sky. Absorbed in worship, then emails, I didn't notice the fog creeping up the hill on silent feet until it had almost reached the house:
Fog was forecast for the day, but who can properly predict fog? After wrapping us in a close grey blanket, the sun broke through and a polychromatic world revealed itself once again. By evening, when I had to drive Brian to fencing? Total pea soup.
Rinse, repeat. This morning I drove down into that blanket of fog to go to work:
By the time I left work, the fog had lifted again, residual haze creating pastel landscapes painted by a Master. I had to be selfish with the beauty, because there were no good places to pull over and snap photos. Until I got to our lane:
This evening on our way to fencing, we were treated to this:
(Photo courtesy of Brian through the car window.)
We don't get much sun at this latitude (45° 1157' North) at this time of year, but what we get is breathtaking. For my RDA of D, I take a capsule!
That's it for today from . . .
What a picturesque place you live in! We get very little sun during the winter, too. I can't make it through winter without my capsulized daily dose of D.
ReplyDeleteYou captured some outstanding photos of the landscape this time of year. Lovely!!
ReplyDeleteSo pretty Michelle! We are blessed to live in such a beautiful (and temperate) area.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I take D3 too - from Costco. Mighty pretty country you have there. The fog I can do without - had my fill growing up in San Diego.