Thursday, December 18, 2014

Just in time for a little holiday baking!

There's no rhyme or reason, but I'll take 'em! Today is the first time all month that I've gotten more than three eggs any one day – and the first time Goldilocks (the Easter Egger) has laid an egg in months.

I should be mixing up some cookie dough right now. But the rare opportunity to sit here in my quiet house, not another creature stirring, is too tempting to ignore for the time being. Maybe I'll sort through the video clips I took of Brian sparring tonight. After his Épée class, he had the second opportunity in one week to practice with a world champion – invaluable experience before his first little fencing tournament next Monday evening!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. I just started getting green eggs again this week too! Funny, I thought my dear Lizzy was too old. Guess not! Happy Baking!

  2. That will be so great to see! I love fencing - it's like dancing with pointy objects... :) My hens have finally gotten back into the habit and none too soon!

  3. The eggs should come in handy for holiday baking! Yum.


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