Sunday, December 07, 2014

Be afraid; be very afraid

There is a teenager in the house!  ;-)

We celebrated Brian's 13th birthday early so both his grandma (who is now in NE) and his dad (who is now in UT) could be in on the party. Instead of a cake this year, Brian requested cheesecake, which I topped with pureed raspberries from our garden. We all enjoyed that at the end of our merry meal!
Brian was very pleased with his gifts that night and modeled them all at once, funny boy – snazzy new church clothes, a fencing mask and glove, and a jazz piano book.

Time marches on at . . .


  1. he looks great in his new togs; happy birthday!

  2. Fencing... how cool. Happy Birthday Brian.

  3. Good for Brian for sticking with fencing. It's harder than it looks :) And boy - does time ever march on!

  4. What a great photograph! Happy Birthday, Brian! And Whoa Nellie, Brian's parents.... :)

  5. Looks likes he's quite pleased with the gifts. Yea!


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