Thursday, September 11, 2014

Tired but thankful

Night before last I planned to fill the dehydrator with another load of prunes I'd picked that morning. Then Rick came home – with a box of Asian plums (soft, yellow, super-sweet, freestone) and a box of figs. Both his offerings were riper than our prunes, so I put them in the dehydrator instead.

By yesterday afternoon they were done (and turned out very tasty), so I started that load of prunes, made a batch of prune paste (thanks to Wanda's comment for prompting me to make my own Lighter Bake) and filled the rest of the canner with some pints of spiced prunes. Ahhhh; by last night my counter was more visible than it's been in days.

Then Rick came home – with a box of pears and a box of apples....

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Be careful of men bearing gifts....heehee. I haven't seen my counter for weeks. Those plums and figs look so delicious!

  2. Hummn I can almost smell them! Heaven!

  3. He must be feeling lots better and bartering services :-)

  4. Your kitchen must smell heavenly!


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