Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Fine sights for thee to see

When I heard about a renaissance festival in Oregon, with discount tickets available, I jumped at the chance to take my family. I've only been to one such festival before; it was at least 25 years ago in Minnesota, and my mom and I had a blast.

The Oregon Renaissance Festival of Hillsboro is a young festival, inaugurated just last year. Even so, I thought they had a great selection of shows, music, activities, vendors, and food booths. We stayed the whole day and had plenty to do and see, visiting a few of our favorite things twice (falconry, jousting, greyhounds – me).

The Festival continues three more weekends; I suggest ye get thee hence if thee be near enough! I'll try to tantalize you with some photos and videos to whet your appetite. ;-)

Now it's back to the 21st century, at . . .


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lets try this without the spelling errors!

    Texas has one every year in the fall. I attended each year for at least a day in costume and always had a blast. So, does this one offer up Ye Old Turkey Leg as fair fare too? ;)

  3. It was, Sara!

    Oh, yes, Theresa, there were lots of big, greasy turkey legs around – by late afternoon they were really attracting the yellow jackets. ;-) But the wonderful thing was the selection of vegetarian options (which were even listed on the website); you'd NEVER see that in MN or TX!

  4. A wonderful event! Looks like you all had a great time! If I lived close enough, I would be there too!

  5. Ohh, I love a good Renn Faire! Soo much fun!


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