Friday, September 19, 2014

Falling in love all over again – with light

It's heating up again (temporarily), but although the temperature says summer, the atmosphere says autumn. It hit me this morning; the light is different, inside and out. How I love the light this time of year! It is one of the things that makes fall my favorite season.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Oh, I so agree about the wonderful light at this time of year. Just last evening I called DH's attention to how the golden light just sparkled among the leaves as the wind blew. It was magical.

  2. Very nice images! Yes, the right light can make the picture!

  3. Beautiful! Oh, those leaves... A reminder that nothing stays the same and Winter will come. It's what keeps me sane. The new slant of light is so reassuring.

  4. Yes! You captured that precious light so well in these photos.

  5. My gosh, your pictures this morning are stunning! The light has changed here, too... it's my favorite season as well.


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