Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wrestling with dread

Our canoe trip to the Boundary Waters fast approacheth. I freely admit it; I don't see the point of a "vacation" (defined by me as the expenditure of time and money for something other than necessity) that involves sleeping on the ground, disease-carrying bugs, and a complete lack of modern conveniences like toilets or running water (sorry; lakes and streams don't count). Add to that a bum knee that I don't want to make worse, and I've been verging on panic. Don't bother asking me why I'm going; I didn't have a choice in the matter. (And don't ask me why I didn't have a choice; there's no benefit in going there.)

As with any trip, even eagerly anticipated ones, there is much to do to be able to go, and there will be even more to do to catch up upon our return. This is produce season, so that adds a huge amount to my to-do list. This afternoon I pick up our second two lugs of peaches which I will then need to process; our apples will need to be picked and processed just as soon as we return. Even with the most thorough watering possible before we leave, our garden will be in desperate need of hose-to-plant resuscitation after more than a week, and I'm sure there will be plenty to pick there as well.

I'm trying to keep looking up, knitting, and smelling the "roses."

Oh, and I've been distracting myself with a little "sheep shopping." ;-)

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Sheep shopping? Sounds intriguing.....I understand your trepidation too being a farm body myself.

  2. Nothing like leaving us hanging! I am in your court on the vacation thing. While I like to get away for a long weekend, I dread any time away from the farm longer than that. Hope it works out.

  3. Well...Boundary Waters is pretty amazing...but I'm with you on what's a vacation and what isn't. Tim's heading to northern Wisc. for a week and I'm happily staying home.

  4. You know, there is something to be said about 'staycations'... I like them too :)

  5. I love being home, but like I said, that wasn't an option. Will try to make the best of it, but the trip has started badly.... And yes, I'm leaving you hanging, but all will be revealed -- eventually!


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