Tuesday, August 05, 2014

"Sure could use a little good news today...."

So far this year (knock on wood), the deer have left my hostas alone – and they are all blooming!

The hostas are in my island bed. Across the driveway from them, these little lavender flowers are spilling out of a planter:

On the north side of the house, there is one shy bell on my clematis:
I didn't get my clematis tied up properly this spring so it can show off its blossoms. Adding insult to injury, a ground squirrel burrow exits at its base.

Yesterday Brian took a couple of hard spills while riding scooters with a friend at a skate park. His wrists have been bothering him ever since, so Rick x-rayed them this morning and conferred with his orthopedist BIL. Doesn't look like any bones are broken, but a growth plate in his left wrist may be damaged. We will watch and wait for a week to see if Brian's comfort improves; if not we'll take him to a local orthopedist. Not sure what this means for our canoe trip; the able-bodied members of our group may soon be outnumbered by the halt and the lame! Mere ripples in a puddle, though, compared to what a local family is going through. A stay-at-home mom of two small boys from a small town very near us went missing 12 days ago; her body was found today. The investigation is ongoing, but the police have said there is no immediate evidence of foul play. How heartbroken we are for those left shattered by the loss of their wife, mother, daughter, sister....

With heavy hearts at . . .


  1. Oh, how very sad. All loss of life is a tragedy and having left behind two small children is even worse. My heart and prayers go out to her family and friends. And what about the timing of Brian's injuries! Do you have to portage the canoe, or is it just the amount of paddling involved that might be tricky?

  2. Hope Brian is feeling better soon. Bumper pads all round for your travels!!
    There is too much tragedy, even here too. Very sad.
    Your garden is beautiful.
    How is Benny??

  3. Susan, we will have limited portage; mostly paddling and setting and breaking down camp. Keeping Brian from getting too rambunctious will be the tricky part!

    Susan, funny you should ask about Benny – I just posted about him!

  4. I just saw this post this morning... so sorry for Brian... and yes, we saw the story on the news last night, and prayed for the family of the poor young woman. What a terrible loss for them.

    1. Mary Ann, you and Keith know better (worse!) than most the heartbreak of suicide. I cannot imagine what she must have been feeling to leave her small boys motherless....


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